Friday, October 29, 2010

A Case for Going Wild

Between governments, corporations and organized religion, people who just want to be free have got their hands full.

Governments, whether they be federal monsters three thousand miles away or local neighborhood associations, have got the art of controlling every aspect of everybody's life (and profiting from it) pretty well wrapped up. There is a fee, license or fine for engaging in every activity that humans must engage in if they want to live. At birth, you are given a birth certificate, not much different from a factory worker filling out a time card and… well… clocking in. There you are, your existence is documented. If you are not a documented human being, there will be some legal trouble for your parents, and you will most likely be sent into foster care. Next you are given a Social Security number, and everything you do, and all the income you make is tracked that way. If you want to open a bank account, have a telephone, rent an apartment, buy a house or have a job, it is required that you give the appropriate people your personal tracking number so that every aspect of your continued existence may be scrutinized by anyone who is skilled to a minimal degree in paper tracing. If you try to stay out of that system, every aspect of your life will be illegal. You are required by every government bureaucracy to have an address for your physical residence. If you try to live free in the wilderness, you are squatting, and if you are caught, there is a stiff prison sentence for terrible people like you. If you try to work without giving out your Social Security number, your employer will be breaking the law by hiring you. If you are self-employed and receiving income under the table, you are a “tax resistor,” and a villain according to the IRS. You must either work and provide the federal government and the state with a percentage of the product of your labor, or you must apply for assistance and live off of taxpayers. Next, if you want to reproduce after your kind, you are required by law to buy a marriage license and then document your offspring. In the end, after you die, someone will be required to fill out a death certificate, a little official document that tells the government that you have clocked out, left the building and gone home. Government regulates and taxes every aspect of your life. Food is regulated, monitored and taxed. Water is regulated, monitored and taxed. Going to the bathroom, including the toilet you use, and a properly regulated sewage system is regulated, monitored and taxed. Your reproductive behavior is regulated, monitored and taxed. Sleeping, including where you sleep and the mattress you sleep on, is regulated, monitored and taxed. Death, including where and how you are buried, is regulated, monitored and taxed. No part of being a living human being escapes the eye and the grip and the control of government.

Then there are the corporate beasts that seek to monopolize and profit from every human need and desire. Large corporations like Monsanto have come to the point of completely controlling almost the entire food supply of the USA and other countries. Not only are they making it more and more difficult to eat anything that doesn’t provide profit for them, but they’ve also introduced toxins into the food supply, such as genetically modified corn and soy which cause cancer and birth defects, and bovine growth hormone in cattle which causes cancer and other diseases. Monsanto and other large corporations clearly intend on reducing every alternative to their toxic food products to just another opportunity for them to profit. Those who wish to take advantage of soy products to protect themselves and their families from the diseases caused by rBGH in meat and dairy products, will find themselves eating genetically modified soy bean products that cause the same diseases. If they try to avoid genetically modified food products and restrict themselves to “organic” foods, they will face much higher prices and excessive restrictions from the FDA, which, like every government bureaucracy, must also profit from the basic needs of everyday people. If we try to eat fish products, we are ingesting mercury. If we try to stop buying water which is (by government mandate) infused with toxic fluoride, we may take water out of creeks and rivers that contain high levels of arsenic, mercury and other poisons from mining operations and factories. It seems that, no matter what we do, if we want to eat or drink anything, we are being poisoned because of government regulation and corporate greed. Most cases of cancer, ADHD, autism, or just about anything shy of an auto accident that will kill you someday, may be traced to a government mandate or a greedy corporation that can’t just be satisfied with being filthy rich.

Under difficult circumstances, people will often turn to God. Of course, the God business is largely controlled by people seeking to profit from the basic human knowledge that there must be something out there called God. It’s a practically inescapable intuition that we’ve had since birth that, if such a profoundly complex and well-designed universe exists, there naturally must be a Designer. With all of the world’s scientific prowess, we still are unable to design from raw atoms something as simple as a grass plant that reproduces after itself. If, despite all of our fantastic human ingenuity, we are unable to design from scratch something so simple, we are flummoxed by the ingenious complexity of the universe. We see around us inexplicable “coincidences” that we can only describe as miracles, due to their great improbability. We pray for people with incurable diseases that doctors don’t understand, and those people are sometimes healed. No explanation except God. With a thirst for comprehending God, uniting with God, knowing God, or even harnessing His power, people turn to churches, synagogues, mosques and witches covens. Wherever they turn, however, they are faced with fraudulent quacks seeking to cash in. Instead of bringing people to God, these religions, organized or disorganized, turn people away from God by turning them instead into mindless religious zombies. Jesus said about the religious leaders of his day and culture, “Woe to you experts in religious law, for you have taken away the key to knowledge. You yourselves have not entered [the kingdom of the heavens], and you have hindered those who had sought to enter” (Luke 11:52). Jesus was clearly not a fan of religion. That opinion has probably improved none, as he looks down from heaven today and sees that people have invented a great slew of brand new religions centered around him, which seek to profit from and control humanity in his name.

There are the three great evils which enslave, murder and manipulate the people of this world. We are treated like cattle, born for the purpose of giving milk or being slaughtered for the profit and pleasure of the Ranchers. We are like chickens living on a factory farm, our sole purpose until death, the provision of eggs and meat for the profit and pleasure of the Farmers.

As far as I can tell, few people are bothered by any of the details I have described. Of course, I am an extremist, having these views. An extremist and an idiot. However, if you are one of the few who do feel some modicum of alarm, there is a solution. I am trying to make the case for going wild. Feral, if you will, to some degree.

All creatures on this planet were given everything they need to live naturally, in creation, by the Designer. We weren’t only given the means to “survive” in the wilderness, but to live well, in complete freedom from any of those corrupt systems that control us now. Just like food, water, and everything necessary in life was given to deer, birds and squirrels, it was also all given to human beings. If you walk out into the woods and all you can see is bugs, snakes, dirt and other distasteful things, you have been brainwashed by the system of the world. Every plant and tree in nature is food, medicine, or some useful tool or item that would make you very comfortable and happy if you only knew how to use it. Nothing that grows or lives in nature is a useless thing, but everything was given to us to help us live well and comfortable. If you can manage to break free from the belief the world has instilled in you that you must live the way you are expected to live, in a house or apartment with an address and a road that leads to your door, working for money and buying food instead of gathering or growing it, purchasing clothing instead of fabricating it from what is found in nature, most of these things that we find so disturbing in the world will no longer have relevance to you.

People who live free, outside of the System will encounter a new set of problems. Specifically, no aspect of living free is technically legal and free of fines, confiscation of offspring and prison sentences. If a cow or a chicken gets loose, it will be caught by the farmer and brought back to its proper place. When a dog gets free and happily runs around the neighborhood, there are dog catchers and “the pound” for such unruly, out-of-control creatures. As humans, we will be treated no better. Nevertheless, freedom is still a valid option, and probably a better option for producing human happiness than living in the massive cage we are told we must live in. Just watch out for the zookeepers when you‘re out and about, that’s all I’m saying.


  1. Happy to find a fresh apple escaped from the rotten apples basket !

    I just discovered you on a youtube video and I could not resist to learn more about you.

    It's reassuring to find a open eyes/mind/heart human being !

    A like-minded woman trying to escape from France rotten apples basket...


    1. I really appreciate the encouragement. :-) I hope your freedom adventure gets better every day. Please keep in touch.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
