Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Mysteries, Secrets and Friendship

Reality isn't so obvious, not as uncomplicated as people would like. To understand calculus, one would have to first understand algebra. To comprehend algebra we have to know multiplication and division. But before we can comprehend those mysteries, addition and subtraction must be mastered. In other words, a person has to EARN the privilege of understanding the deeper mysteries of mathematics.

Knowledge is earned the way the core of an onion is discovered if there's no knife to cut with. At first an onion is a root bulb made of multiple layers of thin, waxy paper. That's the truth, and it can't be denied. But that's not the complete truth. When the wrapper is peeled away, the white onion itself may be found beneath. So there's a papery wrapping with an onion inside. That's the truth, difficult to deny. But it's not the whole truth. There's more mystery beneath the surface of the outermost layer. That peeled away, there's another layer beneath. True, but that's not all there is...

Particle physicists discovered the smallest, most elementary particles of matter after generations of onion-peeling. And they're still looking for that one Theory of Everything. Far from being satisfied with what they know, physicists are still EARNING the right to know the secrets, the hidden mysteries of matter.

Why ask me how a magic trick is done? Why ask me to tell you any other secret? I tell people what they've earned. If you want to know more, earn it. That's how God is with the mysteries of creation, both material and spiritual. And I'm not better than God, so please don't expect more from me.

Be a friend and you'll earn more than a distant, disinterested person who doesn't care what I did today. That's a good start.

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